Zoom Invitations will be sent to all members a day or so before the General Meeting to their email on file with the Art League.
For non-Members who wish to watch the demonstration, please send an email to Suzanne McVetty the week of the meeting, no later than Thursday at noon. You can contact her at smcvetty@artleagueofnc.org. She will send you the Zoom Invitation the day before the meeting.
Zoom US Website:
To Download Zoom
Here are some of the functions you may use during the meeting.
How to raise hand
Gallery View and Speaker View:
Please arrive to class early so that you would not miss the beginning of the meeting. We have a virtual waiting room setup and will let you in when the class is ready. Once the class starts, we may not be able to let you into the meeting immediately; once the demonstration/workshop begins, the doors will be closed.
Please wait until we take a moment to let you in.
We recommend attendees use a computer or a tablet. The phone screen may be too small.